Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Joining the Workforce

I've always considered unemployment to be terribly underrated.  There's a lot to be said for the slacker lifestyle, and I encourage everyone to give it a try at least once in your life.  Spending our entire adult lives in an endless 9-to-5 pursuit of disposable income and two-week vacations seems an absurd waste of precious time.  I say that after spending a good chunk of my adult life doing just that.  It took many years and two brushes with cancer to finally cut the lines and cast off.  And, even though the past two years included more than a few setbacks, I never thought to myself "I'd rather be working".
But, the vacation can't last forever.  We're not retired and we didn't win the lottery.  Sooner or later, we have to go back to work.  So, back in April, while waiting around for our engine repairs in Mazatlan, I started checking Craigslist and sending out resumes.  Knowing that the software industry in central Oregon is somewhat limited and my two-year-old-high-tech resume is somewhat stale, I didn't have high hopes for finding employment in Bend. 
Apparently our luck isn't all bad, though.  After a few long-distance phone interviews, I managed to land a job with a small software company a few miles from our home and am now gainfully employed once again.  And, I'm actually enjoying it -- building websites, both small and large, for many different organizations around the country.  It's been a real challenge coming up to speed on all the technology changes over the past two years and dusting off the mental cobwebs from my programming past.  But, a two-year vacation is a great way to re-energize a complacent work life.  I highly recommend it.
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